Dear Lily (from Henry, brother)

October 25th 1915

Just a few lines hoping to find you well, as it leaves me in good health., although I am worried about George, I saw it in the Coalville Times that he was reported killed, but I hope you won’t worry about it too much, though I know how hard it is for you and little Hilda. I would sooner had it been me a thousand times than him. When I last saw him, he was in a shell hole between the lines and I should have stopped with him only there were several chaps in there with him, including Daft. A lot of bullets were flying about at the time, so I went on till I got to a trench. I gave him Hilda’s photo the day before we went into the trenches so that he would have it on him when he died. Try to cheer up a bit and try to cheer mother and dad, because they will be put about a lot. The last words he said to me before the attack were, “If I get killed and you get out of it alright, tell Lily that I died doing my duty for home, King and country, and tell her not to worry herself, for I am in God’s hands, and I shall meet her in the other world.” So cheer up and God bless you and Hilda and mother and dad. P.S. Show this letter to mother and tell her not to worry.

Henry (George’s brother)